Mid-level leader consultancy and mentoring

This is for You, if You

  • are a mid-level leader, you want to grow, you are facing challenges and need support to move forward.
  • are a newly appointed, beginner leader and are taking on this role for the first time

What do you get?

  • A well-prepared structured framework, focused on and responsive to your personal needs
  • Ability to understand and develop leadership roles, tasks and competences
  • Ability to identify and address leadership challenges and situations
  • Team member to leader: leadership culture, thinking, communication
  • A leadership action plan

The programme in numbers

  • 1 personal mentor and ally
  • 1 well-developed framework programme, always tailored to your individual objectives and needs - no time wasting
  • 5 months of continuous cooperation, support, individual attention
  • 15 sessions, 2 hours per session
  • 1 personal workbook with exercises, theory, tips, checklists, templates